Teen Empowerment Independent Seminar with Zoom 9-30-24, 3:45pm

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Teen Empowerment Independent Seminar with Zoom 9-30-24, 3:45pm


We all make mistakes. Are you a teen needing to move beyond a mistake?

Friends, stress and teen pressures can make us do things that are completely opposite of who we really are. This seminar offers teens a way to rethink their mistake, forgive themselves and start anew. You will complete a variety of easy (journaling, watching a video, sketching), independent reflection activities at home before zooming with your personal adult coach on the date and time stated on this class description. A great way to reflect, learn and grow from your experience! Leave weightless, more joyful and empowered to avoid making this mistake again.

All materials and directions for this seminar will be sent to you over email after you register. There will be no refund given if participant misses zoom call.

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