
1:1 Thinking-Partner / Coach ~ Retreats ~ How-To Classes ~ Small Group Facilitated Events ~ Self-Reflection Guidebooks Written Just for YOU

Wanting to spend fun, purpose-driven time with yourself or an adult child or friend as you look to deepen your joy? Looking for a facilitator who can help you relocate your amazing authentic self you may have misplaced? Seeking your voice again? Looking for a friend to help inspire you to make that big decision or find a sweet path after loss, transition, or even retirement? Looking for a thinking-partner to help spark a new perspective or escort you into a new season of life? After time with Sacred Walk, leave with a refreshed perspective and a new connection to YOU while feeling stinkin’ amazing. All in your own space, on your own time.

At Sacred Walk, there’s no need to run, strive, struggle or search.
Just Be ~ The rest will come.
— Staci McCormack


Staci who?

Member of Earth, daughter of Spirit, woman of wise and humble ancestors.  Evolved grown girl who has weathered seasons, storms and sun who understands the calm, the connectedness, the peace, the love, the joy and the purpose are found only within. Just like you, Staci has played many roles in her life: school principal, professional development facilitator, burger flipper, executive, waitress, freelance writer and national retreat leader. Staci’s expert skills in resiliency & personal development leadership, self-advocacy philosophy and life transition skills make her a supportive friend, a mentor, a coach and a “walk”ing partner.  Staci has expert skill and training in coaching others in times of life-story fatigue, stagnation, transition, apathy or uncertainty. She supports by guiding others to find the lost and rediscover the new.


1:1 & Small Group Online or In-Person Facilitated Mini-Retreats: Individuals, Mother/Adult Daughter, Mens’/Womens’ Groups, Retired Women, Moms… looking for facilitated conversations that lead to laughter, love and light.

Adult Retreats/Classes - Some are self-paced online as you enjoy a video, guidebook or activity-based experiences provided by Sacred Walk. All reflection done on your time. Some retreats/classes are in person by yourself or with others in nature, at the local coffee shop, on a walking trail, or at an overnight facility.


ADULT Coaching - Staci coaches and provides a thinking-partner for her clients by first hearing what your need is. Need to be kinder to yourself? Recovering from a mistake or loss? Need help with a job decision? Feeling just blah and looking for a bit of awe again? Wanting to get back in touch with who you are? Staci offers 1:1. $40.00 per .5 hr / $80.00 per 1 hr Outreach by Emailing:

YOUTH Coaching Looks Like: 1:1 online (zoom) or 1:1 in public places (IE coffee shop, walking trail) $40.00 per .5 hr / $80.00 per 1 hr Outreach by Emailing:

Participants in Sacred Walk classes and retreats leave

determined to use the newfound power within to 'walk' intentionally into the future.